CLTC, Papua New Guinea-Dental Care

Papua New Guinea (PNG), with its population of 8.4 million people (2018), is located in the South West Pacific. PNG is surrounded by sea with its two closest neighbours being Australia to the south and Solomon Islands to the east. It has a land border with Indonesia to the west.
It is ranked 153 on the UN’s Human Development Index out of 189 countries [United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 2020]. An estimated 27 per cent of the population are poor and/or face hardship (2015 Pacific Regional MDG Tracking Report). A significant majority of Papua New Guineans live in traditional rural communities with subsistence gardens and small-scale cash crops being the main source of food and income.
Christian Leaders Training College of PNG is an interdenominational Theological College that was established in 1964. It has a medical and dental clinic which serves the 500 residents at CLTC campus as well as the 9,000 people living in surrounding villages.
There is a need for medical and dental equipment and supplies to serve the local community and to train other rural health clinic personnel.
Medical Mission Aid are sending funding to purchase vital dental and medical equipment to improve dental hygiene in local communities and to enhance other health related services in the region.