Read about our new partnership in Madagascar in our Autumn Newsletter.
It is with great joy that Medical Mission Aid shares that our past President, Ruth Judd OAM, was recognised for her exceptional contribution to the international community through medical aid in the Australia Day Honours as a recipient of the Medal of the Order of Australia.
Ruth epitomises the values and history of Medical Mission Aid through her Christ-like example of caring for the marginalised and vulnerable, her empathy for others, her integrity, her commitment to sustainability in healthcare through training of local professionals and her belief that every human being is created in the image of God and therefore of equal value and worth.
This belief led Ruth to serve on the mission field with the Church Missionary Society (CMS) where she became the first Australian Nurse to work in Nepal. In Kathmandu, Ruth worked as Director of Nursing at the Shanta Barwan Hospital where she had a particular passion for training local nurses, thus increasing the capacity of the Nepali Health System.
After 30 years, changing lives and improving the health of the most vulnerable, Ruth returned from Nepal and served as President of MMA, a position she held for just shy of 20 years, retiring from the position when she was 85 years old!
I had the privilege of visiting Ruth to congratulate her on her achievement and OAM on the weekend. As always she was humble in her achievement!
I know that many of us who know Ruth will be delighted to hear she has been recognised in this way. Many thanks to former MMA Executive Director, Shanta Parker, former MMA Board members and members of Ruth’s family who collaborated to make Ruth’s OAM nomination successful.
Thank you for your support of MMA,
Barry Kelly
MMA Board Chair
Come along to the 2023 AGM and Springfest and connect with the MMA community!
Date: Sat 21st October, 2023
Time: 1.30pm for a 2pm start
Venue: St Thomas Anglican Church, 44 Station St, Burwood
Refreshments will be provided.
To celebrate three years of MMA supporting the training of much needed doctors and midwives in South Sudan through our partner, Christian Health Initiatives, we are heading to the basketball to meet South Sudanese basketballer Jo Lual Acuil Jr and see Melbourne United play the Brisbane Bullets at John Cain Arena. Grab a friend, colleague or family member and join in the fun. Book tickets here:
Please join us at Autumnfest 2023 where we hope to celebrate the wonderful work of our partners in South Sudan. There will be an update of all our other projects as well.
Date: Sat 1st April, 2023
Time:1.30pm for a 2pm start
Venue: St Thomas Anglican Church, 44 Station St, Burwood
Refreshments will be provided.
MMA has been partnering with Murgwanza hospital to train specialists to reach their goals of saving lives with provision of local specialist care to those who need it. Dr Frank, specialising in ENT, has just completed his studies, and MMA congratulates him on an amazing achievement. The long term impact that Dr Frank makes to his community will be incredibly significant and MMA can’t wait to follow his journey.
Listen to the goals he has to improve the ENT health of his local community.
Thank you to all of our wonderful supporters who came to MMA’s AGM and Springfest on Saturday. It was lovely to reconnect and to finally hold an AGM in person!
After the AGM, there was an update on some of our projects in Nepal, the highlight being a video from INF, interviewing Poonam, one of our scholarship holders in Nepal.
Another highlight was the beautiful keyboard performance of Fadi. It was such a pleasure to meet Fadi and Whitney, pictured here, both soon to be physiotherapists and both with beautiful hearts to serve and help others.
Thank you to all the board members who helped in the smooth running of this event.
Medical Mission Aid was very excited to receive our official CMA Standards Council accreditation certificate this month at the annual CMA Conference.
The CMA Standards Council is a ministry of Christian Ministry Advancement Ltd, a not-for-profit charity, seeking to help the Christian not-for-profit sector in Australia govern, lead and manage their organisations more effectively.
MMA was assessed on the 9 Principles of Ministry Accountability and the 54 standards that fall under those principles and received a 100% passing grade. CMA accreditation is indicative of an organisation that values good governance, accountability and stewardship and is a valuable endorsement of MMA’s integrity. Please see for more information.
Thank you to the supporters who joined us for our annual Autumnfest celebration! This year, our focus was on the fantastic work of our partners in Tanzania, and we were lucky enough to see videos of some of our medical and nursing scholarship recipients. We were also blessed to have 2 incredible, gifted, talented speakers – Dorothy Prentice and Amanda Ward – both of whom have worked as doctors in Tanzania. Thank you both for your wonderful insight and for sharing your experiences in Tanzania.